If you have any questions, please email me on ResearchGate. Best Regards, -Kit Knight BSc, MSc, PhDc Biophysics
To cite this information, please use:
Wilkinson, K. C. (2014). A kinematic and kinetic analysis of a frog launching from water using digital particle image velocimetry (Doctoral dissertation, Northern Arizona University).
I'd like to thank these people for all their help in making this project a reality:
Theodore Uyeno Ph.D. VSU
Kiisa Nishikawa Ph.D. NAU
Eric Dillingham UA
Russell Nelson NAU
Nicholas Gengler NAU
Antonia Tallante NAU
Sigma Xi GIAR G20111015158992
To cite this information, please use:
Wilkinson, K. C. (2014). A kinematic and kinetic analysis of a frog launching from water using digital particle image velocimetry (Doctoral dissertation, Northern Arizona University).
I'd like to thank these people for all their help in making this project a reality:
Theodore Uyeno Ph.D. VSU
Kiisa Nishikawa Ph.D. NAU
Eric Dillingham UA
Russell Nelson NAU
Nicholas Gengler NAU
Antonia Tallante NAU
Sigma Xi GIAR G20111015158992